5 Effective Ways to Reduce the Effects of Global Warming

Global warming, as the name says it all, is the warming up of the entire globe. Several factors result in the increased temperature of the Earth. Some of these factors are the humungous amount of Carbon emissions, deforestation and never-ending waste. Human activities have caused irreversible loss of the Earth, but if we take necessary actions NOW, we can still curb it. Following are the 5 effective ways to limit the effects of climate change.

  • Reduce Emissions – No matter it is vehicle or factory emission, we need to limit it all so as to reverse the effect of global warming. Factory chimneys can be fitted with filters so that the harmful gases can be transformed into harmless ones. Moreover, hybrid vehicles should be used so that not only the usage of non-renewable resources can be reduced but also, the dangerous carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced as well.
  • Afforestation – As the amount of carbon dioxide is increasing day by day, the best way to reverse it is to plant more trees. Trees are the natural producers of oxygen. If there will be more trees in the world, the amount of oxygen will also increase, which will simultaneously reduce the amount of CO2 in the surroundings.
  • Use the renewable source of energy – In most of the developed nations, the maximum amount of energy is used to heat or cool the house according to the weather. So, instead of using electricity or gas to heat or cool the house, people must use renewable energy sources such as solar power. This will not only save the Earth but also, cut short everyone’s utility bills as well
  • Use energy-efficient appliances – There are ample appliances in the market, which consume less energy to operate and also do not harm the environment. So, whenever you want to purchase any electronic item for your house, make sure that you check the energy star label. The more the number of stars, better is the product for the environment.
  • Change the way you travel – For shorter distances, walk as much as you can. It will be like killing two birds with one stone – you will be saving fuel cost and keeping yourself fit as well. Apart from that, less frequent air travels can also make a difference. We understand there is a charm in travelling through aeroplanes, but think otherwise. If your one action can save the environment, then why not opt train instead of an aeroplane?
Start making these changes in your life, so that we all can make our Planet “Blue” again before it’s too late.
